A Comprehensive Fire Safety and Education Community Resource
Summer’s Best Water Safety Tips
The Coolest Water Safety Tips for the Most Refreshing St. Louis Summer Summer officially began on June 20. Every country and culture celebrates the Summer Solstice differently, but St. Louisans celebrate summer days swimming, boating, rafting, sliding down immense water slides, skiing, [...]
National Bicycle Safety Month
The Month of May Marks National Bicycle Safety Month According to 2022 statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 1,100 individuals were killed while riding a bike, and more than 46K sustained injuries. When riding a bike, individuals [...]
BBQ Grill Fire Codes for Multifamily Homes
Fire Codes Guide BBQ Grill Selection for Residents of Multifamily Homes The warm weather of spring leads many to fire up the grill for a cookout of hamburgers, bratwurst, hotdogs, ribs, and other barbecue favorites. For residents of multifamily homes, not all [...]
National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Learn How to Minimize Driving Distractions During National Distracted Driving Awareness Month The month of April is designated as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This is not just another public awareness campaign; it’s also a time of diligent enforcement and a reminder [...]
National Poison Prevention Week
Poison Prevention Tips: These Are the Common Household Poisons Every year, the third week of March is National Poison Prevention Week. There are 55 total Poison Centers across the country that manage Poison Control helplines, directing callers about the best strategies for [...]
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
Separate Alcohol and Drugs Facts from Fiction During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week The National Institute on Drug Abuse designates March 18-24, 2024, to educate teens and children about alcohol and drug facts through National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. This [...]